Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sports Rims Anyone?

What is it with men and all things useless? What is it with men and sports rims, car stereos, useless upgrades and the likes?

Yesterday, hubby sent my car to the workshop for service. When I met up with him after my checkup with the gynaecologist, he told me that he has ordered the technician to change my car's sports rims and tyres to one that costs more than RM3k. Now, I am a person who hates finding out things last, especially things that have to do with my family or me. Car tyres I can understand as it is wear and tear, but sports rims?!! So, I flew into a tantrum for these simple reasons:

1) I dislike hubby being goaded into buying things that are not planned (he is easily talked into spending money)
2) I dislike hubby spending large amounts of money and not discussing with me beforehand
3) I do not see why he is reluctant to spend good money on a more expensive but better (maybe?) baby car seat when he can spend it in the blink of an eye on something like a set of sports rims
4) I do not see the need to change the car's sports rims when the current one is still functoning like a rim should

I sulked for half a day (hubby is a man of few words most times and very bad at pacifying me). When the sulking is done, being the person that I am, I asked myself, "Did I over react? Should I have been a more supportive wife and let hubby indulge himself since he works hard for the money?" I can never get a satisfying answer for my own questions.

But one thing I do know. While we asked these questions, the men might also be asking:
What is it with women and all things useless? What is it with women and expensive prams, baby car seats, baby safety gates and the likes?


posted by Sue at 2:44 PM -
  • At 13/9/05 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    then quick quick exchange with him, he get the sport rim, you get the baby seat.

  • At 13/9/05 10:06 PM, Blogger jazzmint said…

    hehe..same as what i often encounter as well..that's why i particularly tell him that, my car, u don't touch..i decide what i want to do...

  • At 14/9/05 12:47 AM, Blogger Sue said…

    maria: thanks for dropping by before your break hoh... car seat already have , but when this one wears out, i will twist his arm to get a better one heheheh

    jazzmint: ya, most times i tell him what i want but feel like talking to the wall, but then again, he prob have good intentions la

  • At 22/9/05 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ho zie has impulse buying habit...beta watch him...unneccesary spending - dangerous wo...janie

  • At 22/9/05 4:20 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    janie: most times he spend when i'm not around to nag him ma... then when i find out it's too late >.<

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