Friday, October 07, 2005
Give the Brakes a Break!
I was driving behind a Jeep on the way home yesterday. The Jeep blocked my view from the cars in front, clouding my judgment as to when I should step on my brakes.

This is not the problem.

The problem lies with the Jeep's brake. It seems the owner is addicted to stepping on it every 2 seconds. Now I ask myself everytime I see drivers act like their brake pads come with lifetime warranty: Why do these people step on their brakes when the car in front is not even near, or when they are not preparing to change lanes???

The worse part is that my car nearly kissed the Jeep's butt. I was fed up with tailing the Jeep with its ever flashing tail lights, so I decided to change lanes to the middle. To do this, I need to consult my left mirror. What do you know... as I was looking at the mirror and trying to cut over, the stupid Jeep braked again. Walao... I had to swerve left to avoid hitting the Jeep. My car was lucky to avoid it, but I was feeling faint.

From what I know, there are some people who drive with their right feet on the accelerator and their left feet on the brake. Out of 10, I daresay there will be 2 or 3. These people have no idea that they are actually stepping on the brakes, thus making the person driving behind them look like idiots... accelerate... brake... accelerate... brake... What? Tango on the road ar? *rolls eyes*

Note to these people, please go for refresher courses in driving... you're doing it the WRONG way and a you're hazard to other drivers.


posted by Sue at 6:30 PM -
  • At 7/10/05 11:43 PM, Blogger mom2ashley said…

    ha! i know what you mean! very very annoying..!!!

  • At 8/10/05 12:21 AM, Blogger shoppingmum said…

    Better overtake those cars, very annoying and dangerous driving behind them...

  • At 8/10/05 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yah, my friend once step on the brake and accelerator at the same time, sent the car to machenic. hahahaha...
    i so good to luahg on ppl, becasue i never drive :P.

  • At 9/10/05 8:32 AM, Blogger jazzmint said…

    waiyaa...close encounter for u and izac!! I too hate this sorta driver, road hogging and irritating huh..Now I wish I drive a 4x4 storm, then can go head to head with them :)

  • At 9/10/05 12:49 PM, Blogger Sunshine said…

    another thing that makes me boil... is those that cut into your lane... then decide to drive at 40kph...

    i wish i have doraemons pouch... then i put my hand in the puch search search... find a zapper and zap them away from the road *poof*

  • At 10/10/05 9:57 AM, Blogger Annie said…

    that's why it's so difficult to stop that "cursing" habit on the road!!

  • At 10/10/05 10:20 AM, Blogger Sue said…

    all: yeah, really annoying... sometimes really kenot tahan to be on the road la, get high blood

    jazzmint: that's why i like 4WD oso, makes me sittin tall enuf to see everything!

    annie: me too la, esp morning LOL and most esp late for work then gone lah!

  • At 10/10/05 11:23 AM, Blogger Egghead said…

    *ahem... you checked the gender of the jeep driver?? :P

    p/s: no offence to the ladies :P

  • At 11/10/05 8:41 AM, Blogger ZMM said…

    I think the jeep driver must be a man.

    p/s: no offence to the men. :P :P

  • At 11/10/05 10:47 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    egghead: there you go, got your answer from Agnes LOL!

    Agnes: yalor, somehow I think that fella's a man la kakakaka

  • At 12/10/05 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Usually I will try to overtake to avoid accident.

    I hate two types of drivers, T & I drivers.

  • At 13/10/05 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This fella sure "lesen terbang". So annoying lar..Just because he think his car is big, he 1 2 bully smaller car. Men always complaint about ladies driving. But what about their driving. They are not that perfect though.

  • At 14/10/05 12:10 AM, Blogger Sue said…

    michelle: what is T & I ar? hehehe

    sabrina: eh... actually nowdays, i see lots of lady drivers also very very "long" (reckless)

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