Monday, June 04, 2007
Homemade Cough Remedy
It seems so many people are down with flu, cough and what-nots these days. Vien's little cutie is also having prolonged cough and I thought I'd do a post on some homemade and traditional cough remedy which I have used for myself and my kids when they were suffering form hacking cough. Remember I had a cough which seemed to develop into bronchitis last year? Well, many people told me to try this plectranthus barbatus leaf and I was really reluctant at first, mostly because I'm not a fan of these homemade-bitter-tasting-alien-feel-drink.

Picture taken from here.

Anyway, after weeks and weeks of coughing and the phlegm seem to not come out, I decided to have a try. It's pretty simple. You basically just get a handful of this leaves, clean them, pound them and boil
(or double boil if you really want) them with rock sugar. After it's done (depending on how pungent you want it to be, sometimes we are so kiasu, we just boil and boil until the whole concoction turns thick) just sieve it to remove all the rubbish (ie. pounded leaves) from the liquid and drink it after it cools down a little.

Miraculously, I was healed after a few times drinking this. And I must admit that it does not taste half bad. Do try it if you're at wits end on how to get rid of your phlegmy cough and maybe to soothe that sore throat of your (from all that coughing!).


posted by Sue at 3:21 AM -
  • At 5/6/07 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Er, what kinda plant is this? I'll try to google on it. Msn me la! Thanks!

  • At 5/6/07 3:47 PM, Blogger chanelwong said…

    really works? can give to toddlers?

  • At 10/6/07 11:15 PM, Blogger wHOisBaBy said…

    what type of leaves are these? chinese name please. interesting fact, need to noate it down just in case if i have friends or family that come up with cough.

  • At 4/9/07 11:43 AM, Blogger Babysmooches said…

    ya, what is the chinese name? Is it "mat chou"?

  • At 10/10/07 12:40 PM, Blogger Babysmooches said…

    Gosh, I'm coughing terribly and need this plant.... how to find..

    BTW, you've been tagged.

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