Friday, May 25, 2007
I See My Desk
For the past few weeks, even months, work has been continually piling up on my desk. Everything seems urgent and of top priority, makes you go dumbfounded and wonder where to start. Finally after a whole week of working overtime till about 8.00pm - 8.30pm (like we've got no home like that), I am finally able to say that I can slow down and take a breather (can see desk liao means work must have been cleared a lot).

Tomorrow is a working Saturday for me. I think working on Saturdays is such a waste of time. Where I work, we do alternate Saturdays, meaning each Saturday there is only half the workforce working (not literally *haha*). It's such a waste of time, By the time our systems warm up and work is starting to flow through nicely, it's time to go home *ugh*. Normally, Saturdays are used for tying loose ends and for doing menial works like filing and archiving (weekdays where got time, phone cannot even stop ringing for us to do some proper work). But tomorrow, I'll be taking it slow (haven't been filing for months *eek!*).

Hopefully this weekend I will be able to update more things that are currently kept at the back of my mind in my other blog. Tonnes about the kids!

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posted by Sue at 10:31 AM -
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